"Impossible to guess how widely
Carson will catch on here. His show
may prove simply too American for
local taste. Its throwaway allusions,
for instance, to the L.A. Rams (football
team), Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather
(TV newsmen) and brownies (a cake)
presuppose generally shared national
assumptions and must have missed
most British viewers by a mile."
-- Herbert Kretzmer, Daily Mail,
Carson, blue jeans, hamburgers,
military technology and recently,
blueprints for Christian music.
We Americans feel expansionism as
a duty it seems, and indeed the
American way of seeing things has
affected Christianity in America.
A friend of mine in Norway attempted
to describe to me the typical American
Christian as seen through European
eyes: said, "who was baptized in
the Jordon twice -- the first time,
the flash on his camera didn't work."
I think that this is a fair assessment.
It shows our American tendencies
can flavor culture as well as our
faith. The sad part is that sometimes
we can't tell the difference.
When English and American missionaries
traveled to remote cultures in earlier
centuries, they carried with them
not only the Gospel, but the cultural
trappings of their respective homelands.
Items such as clothing and social
manners were preached right along
with the elemental message. It was
done in the name of evangelizing
and civilizing these "heathen" nations,
but irreparable damage was inflicted
to some admirable cultures as a
result, despite the fact that souls
were saved in the process. If the
recent Debron Seminar in Holland
is any indication, things may not
have changed much since those times.
Not only the lack of ability
to put oneself in the other's shoes
widens the gap between geographical
cultures, but between ideological
cultures as well. American Christians
seem to have forgotten how to communicate
with their own "secular" culture
at home. Somebody is buying Christian
products, so we Christians too easily
assume we' re doing our job in the
world. In actuality, we' re selling
our products back to ourselves.
American secular society generally
doesn't watch our Christian TV,
listen to Christian radio, or go
to our Christian stores to buy music.
Therefore, demands are rarely made
on Christians by the American culture
at large to promote communication
between the two. We live in a dualistic
In Europe confrontation occurs
more easily. Christian radio and
television most of what is done
by Christians must be presented
in the same marketplace as things
done by people who are not Christians.
I think it is healthy and promotes
more realism in the art concerned.
I'd sure hate to see it botched
up by a group of well-meaning Americans
who would encourage growth on the
organizational level of Christian
media in Europe. If that happens
they will repeat our American mistakes
of isolationism, and people will
begin to see the Gospel going behind
the practically closed doors of
Christian business circles.
During the four months I was
in Europe this summer, I ran into
people in several countries who
had sponsored a well-known American
Christian group in concert. These
Europeans were concerned. They said,
"That band dripped with 'spiritual'
vernacular on stage, as if our spirituality
exists separately from the rest
of our being. But then they come
off stage and they' re just regular
people, regular Christians living
like the rest of us, problems and
all. Don't they realize the schizophrenic
image of Christianity that they
are portraying?"
A dualism of sorts has been extended
by American Christians into the
concept of spirituality, leaving
a large portion of the spectrum
of human experience untouched by
the amputated and sterilized concept
of faith. Some of these sponsors
attended the Debron seminar and complained
to me that the same problems were
being exhibited by many Americans
there. So quite naturally those
Europeans were disappointed in both
the schizoid image of our faith,
and the closed circuit nature of
the American version of Christian
Not only are European Christians
faced with threats of cultural and
spiritual dualism, but also with
problems of defining "Christian
art" and setting aesthetic standards.
Good art thrives when little pressure
is felt by artists to conform to
popular stereotypes. But as soon
as perimeters for art forms acceptable
to Christians are narrowed, the
Christians are narrowed. The Christian
artists face two Choices.
1). Accept that
framework and produce
only music which
to the expectations
of the music consumers,
2). reject it and
be deprived of acceptance
in Christian circles.
That has happened in America, but
it hasn't happened yet in Europe.
I believe that a fairly narrowed
spectrum of "Christian art" was
represented at the Debron seminar
this year. Next year the spectrum
may be narrower. I heard a discussion
of plans to cut down at next year's
seminar on the "infiltration" of
rock'n'roll and "secular gigs."
In short, persons or groups who
do not fit the American Christian
stereotypes could be quietly censored,
regardless of their virtue as Christians
or their value as artists. If this
happens, it could signal the beginning
of the speak rationally and pointedly
into the society which presently
exists on the Continent. It will
signal the birth and nurture of
an elitist European Christian circle
of art, a transplanting of the American
problem in foreign soil, the possibilities
of a secular market cut and re-cut
in favor of a profitable Christian
I would like to further suggest
that the DeBron seminar being billed
as "Christian Artists" is misleading
to the European public. There is
still a high value placed on aesthetics
on the Continent. The word "art"
has strong connotations and shouldn't
be used lightly.
It is not my purpose here to
discuss whether art for art's sake
is an acceptable proposition. Nor
is it my purpose to criticize those
who may be doing the best they presently
know how in creating music and lyrics.
But most Europeans believe that
if you write a melody it should
be more than a generic representation
of countless melodies that have
gone before; if you write lyrics
they should maintain the values
of good poetry or otherwise not
be called art. They happily have
not yet discovered what many American
Christians have long known; that
is, if you can write some lyrics
containing sufficient theological
content or spiritual sounding words
and put them to something sounding
like the secular music of, say a
decade before, you can get by in
Christian circles with it and even
call it art.
I propose that if it weren't
for our separatism, with its rewards
based on conformity, many of our
"Christian" lyrics and musical endeavors
would have long ago been put in
their proper place as incomplete
art, or even bad art. To rob European
Christians of their much needed
checks and balances on artistic
standards by encouraging their removal
from the larger marketplace would
be an atrocity. As far as I have
been able to determine by observation,
a more appropriate title for the
DeBron seminar might have been
"The Marketplace for Music
Acceptable and Saleable in Most
Churches, Primarily American
The sooner we Christians realize
how strong a culture we have created,
the sooner we will be able to begin
stripping away that and other excess
fat, and the sooner we will be able
to understand and communicate with
people raised in other cultures,
whether those cultures are geographical
or ideological. We have the responsibility
to widen the perimeters put on art
by Christian culture, to encourage
Christian artists to use their minds
like never before, to allow their
creativity to run FREE and explore
EVERY new possibility in art and
in communication as real and sincere
human beings and as
conscientious workers
desiring to be true artisans, carefully
and honestly exploring the
reality of
the existence of a loving God in
a fallen world.
Mark Heard ( CCM, December
1981 )
Copyright © by Mark Heard for
CCM Magazine 1981
Mark Heard is an American
Christian recording artist, formerly
with Solid Rock Records, now with
Home Sweet Home Records (Benson).
Mark has spent seven months out
of the last two years in Europe,
giving concert appearances and producing
a Swiss band, Marchstei, in the
studios there. His role as a cross-cultural
communicator has brought him insight
on the strengths and weaknesses
of the Christian music industry
from the American and European viewpoints.